Bishnu C Parida

Bishnu C Parida is a Senior Development Management Professional. He is a PhD Scholar of IUJ. He has 25 years of full-time experience working in UN, Development sector and Government agencies. He is currently working as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (Deptt. of Rural Development, Govt. of Jharkhand)leads over 3,000+ staff and 50,000+ Community Cadres in the implementation of National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY – NRLM) – the flagship scheme of MoRD, Govt of India in Jharkhand. As on 31st Aug. 2021, DAY – NRLM had reached 32.50 Lakh rural poor families through 2.63 Lakh Women SHGs in all 263 blocks in 24 districts of Jharkhand. Out of above families around 20 Lakh families are undertaking various livelihoods i.e. Agriculture (Paddy, Vegetable, Pulses, Oilseed, Millets etc.) Horticulture (Mango plantation), Animal Husbandry (Goat, Pig, Backyard Poultry and Duck rearing), NTFP i.e. Lac, Tasar and Medicinal plants cultivation, Tamarind processing etc.

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A simple way to think Positive… Stay motivated

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